CBD Stocks Plummeted After The Conflicting Hearing by FDA

Cannabis stocks dived after the first report came out from regulatory hearing. The US FDA carried first-ever hearing on the cannabis and its beneficial ingredient CBD from many speakers, including health professionals, manufacturer, and advocates.

The growing popularity of CBD has made the authorities concerned about the secret ingredient of the cannabis, CBD. CBD is currently widely used for medicinal purposes, particularly in treating pain, anxiety, depression, and inflammation. There was a continuous pressure on the authorities to lift the federal ban from cannabis use.

The FDA has warned all the food companies to not add CBD in food or beverages, considering CBD a drug. But given the strong inclination of the public, it has decided to seek a pathway for regulatory approval. The hearing foregrounded the disorderly state of CBD industry and widespread use of CBD without the evidence of benefit, standardization, and safety profile.

It’s still to look what comes out of the discussion, but one thing that we all are sure of is that CBD craze is not going to die anytime soon.

Categories: CBD News
Emma Moore: Emma Moore worked as a freelance writer for 3 years. She wrote on topics like cbd drug. Being a chemistry specialized graduate, she expertises in cbd drug research.